Friday, March 23, 2007


While I was out watching a movie with the girls last night....Gerald worked a bit on the bathroom. We have a second coat of paint (I think...the first coat covered really well and when I left he said he was doing a second....looks good enough to me LOL) and my light fixture is up. Which seems really bright (we just had one bulb in the wall - now there are 3 in a fixture). Now for the tap to get hooked up, and shelves in my closet...trim to I guess but after how yucky my bathroom was...I don't even care if I have trim. I'm happy I have a door that locks...actually I'm happy that it has a doorknob!!! He got a good amount done considering he said that Jared refused to take formula (that would have been 2 days in a row for him) and was quite fussy. He was so happy to see me when I got home (Jared) and at least slept till 6am (I unfortunately didn't sleep well - go figure).


Anonymous said...

First off - I found your blog! Hi!

I totally hear you on the renos - our bathroom door doesn't lock all the time, either. I'm jealous of all the work you've done, it looks like it's going to be great!

Sylvia said...

Oh it was worse than doesn't lock - there was no door knob on it anymore LOL

Anonymous said...

LOL - okay, you win. ;) I am the only who didn't realize when I got pregnant that I was forever giving up the right to pee in peace?

Poor Gerald didn't really need to know that.

What's your email address? I can't seem to find it on your blog and I wanted to drop you a line. er, letter. whatever. ;)

Sylvia said...

I know even with a door knob you give up the right to do anything in the bathroom by yourself!
svanmep AT scrapbookingoasis DOT com
that way hopefully spammers won't get far I have protected it well LOL.