Sunday, December 10, 2006

Out of Luck

Last night was another trying night for bedtime. At 10:45 I finally decided to try the go to bed and have her fall asleep in our bed. Nope didn't work. She played, pulled out a sock that was between the headboard and the wall (headboard is loose), took that out of the room. Gerald finally got her to fall asleep in the great room on the floor, and then took her to bed. This was well after 11pm. Then at 4am I hear talking, it's one of those did I hear something? moments, clued in it was Cailyn. Went to her room - she's patting the bed saying wet. Poor girl leaked through her diaper. Well since it's 4am I didn't really feel like stripping the bed and putting new sheets on so I told her to hop in our bed. She does, then hops out, she needs daddy's sock! She runs to the great room and comes back with his sock which she stuffs between the headboard and the wall. Then she curls up to go to sleep. Did she sleep in - nope. Put her down for a nap after lunch. I decided that since she didn't really sleep last night I am not going to wake her up. I may be out of luck - I heard some movement a minute ago......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sylvia, if it makes you feel any better, I was up all night last night too... ahhh, the things you do for love! We took Caden out for a two hour walk this afternoon after a fairly unsuccessful nap time... I guess it's more like the things you do for sleep!! We're going to try rice cereal tonight... maybe with a full tummy he'll actually sleep a bit better- never know! Good luck tonight!!Rachel