Friday, January 13, 2012

SuperPoints works for me!

Superpoints is a rewards program that works for me!  I have actively been using it since the end of September and to date I have redeemed for $105 and am very close to another $5.

There are no pop-ups with this site and no spam!  You do get an email daily which awards you random superpoints.  Complete your profile to basic level to get 30 clicks on the button.  Get referrals and earn more clicks (up to a max of 100).

Not sure if this site is for you?   - Well do you like free money?

Think it will take too long - 30 clicks takes about 5 min if you do it all at once (or do it in between surfing the net, then it would take a little longer).  You also don't need to click every day (although if you don't it will take longer to earn).

It doesn't hurt to sign up...really I experienced absolutely NO PAIN from signing up ;)

Superpoints is a referral only site, so the only way to sign up is through one of these referral links (links are 1x use only, I will do my best to update them as they are used).

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